Jul 7, 2011

Creating Color Combinations

The Swarovski Color Carousel is a helpful tool to assist you when you are color stumped.  The Carousel is fun and simple to use.  Click on a main color. When the wheel stops you will see a Main color, three harmonious colors, two contrasting colors and a suggested pearl.

As you can see in the picture on the left, I choose Blue Zircon, for the main color.  Aquamarine, Sapphire and Indicolite are the Harmonious colors, along with Padparadscha and Hyacinth are the contrasting colors.The suggested pearl is Tahitian.

At first glance… the colors seemed out of place to me…

but now I love the combination!  I realize everyone has their own likes and dislikes… And each Braidlet I make is a learning experience, which allows me to think outside the box. 

Here is the Braidlet I made using the Carousel. I would never think about putting these color together. Pretty nice... huh?  

Please leave a comment, and let me know what you think about this tool or maybe you have used the Carousel and would like to share your color combinations…  Until next time, thank you and have a great night!  Cari

You can find this Braidlet for sale on Etsy.    Etsy Shop: CrochetHooked

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