Jun 29, 2011

Handmade Baby Love on Etsy

A crochet designer, and she makes the cutest, most adorable booties I have ever seen.

Handmade Baby Love: based in Southern Arizona creating Crocheted Baby Gifts for the little one in your family. Strapped Booties, Baby Bootie Boots, and Baby Loafer Booties. As well as Baby Earflap Beanie, Baby Visor and Baby Flower Beanies, and a few blankets, which are all listed in her Etsy Shop.

Handmade Baby Love : offers a variety of sizes, styles and colors to choose from. Debbie looks like she has crocheted, just about every color, ever made, in her shop… And the workmanship is amazing. You can certainly tell… she adores making these baby items… What's not to love when it comes to Handmade Baby Love!

You can find Handmade Baby Love at the sites listed below:

Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/handmadebabylove
Blogger: http://debbiekyle.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/handmadebabylove

Thank you for visiting my site ;o)
Here's your chance, let you voice be heard... Leave a comment!  Have a wonderful day, Cari

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